Northwest Baptist Church
We lead, lift, love, & live all for Jesus!
Celebrate Recovery @ Northwest
At Celebrate Recovery your hurt, habit or hang-up may present itself in many ways: maybe its an anger issue, anxiety, or codependency; or maybe you're dealing with an addiction to food, drugs, or alcohol; or maybe you're healing from abuse or a death in your life. Wherever you may be, come find hope and support with us! All are welcome!
Mondays, 6:30pm
6:30 - Large Group Meeting: Worship and a Testimony or a Teaching on the 12 steps.
7:30 - Fellowship Time: Where we get to now each other and grow safe and positive relationships.
7:45 - Open Share Group: Gender and issue specific groups designed so that everyone can safely share our experiences, strengths, and hopes.
Step Studies - Gender specific groups that meet on a different night than our regular meeting to answer questions that help with our healing.
CLICK BELOW to watch testimonies & lessons from NWBC's Celebrate Recovery